The second most frequent medical condition after common cold is chronic back pain. EU Horizon 2020 research project OSTEOproSPINE was launched in 2018 to improve therapeutic options for patients suffering from degenerative disc diseases by translating the patient’s peripheral blood into extra-skeletal bone.
To illustrate the project objectives and the targeted results for a broad, non-scientific audience, a first animated clip has been released. Using a rather entertaining, understandable language and format, the short film presents the scope and benefits of using OSTEOGROW and thus translating the patient’s peripheral blood into extra-skeletal bone in PLIF surgeries.
Hope you’ll enjoy it.
OSTEOproSPINE research project, supported by consortium partners from 5 European countries is coordinated by Prof. Slobodan Vukicevic and his team at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine. 2KMM supports the research by providing GoResearch™ based electronic case form form (eCRF) and Data Management & Biostatistics services.
More about the project at .